Profiling Hope & Potential: Let's Talk #FinancialInclusion

"Financial inclusion is probably the biggest problem globally we should be solving." Lee Naik, CEO TransUnion Africa.

3 May 2024

500 million people in Africa are excluded from the financial economy. This partnership is a drive to enable the unbanked, and determine new ways to support their potential beyond what our current systems allow. We have the data to do things differently. "We are very excited about the partnership with TransUnion" Saad Syed, CEO Chenosis. Through APIs we can provide a powerful resource to enable TransUnion to profile many excluded people through tapping into the data that naturally makes sense in Africa, a mobile first continent. "The fact that Chenosis is key to allowing us access to telecoms data, allows us to profile people in new ways. Profile the hope and the potential they see." Lee Naik, CEO TransUnion Africa.