Gathr Verify ID

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Gathr Verify ID
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The Identity Verification API provides real-time KYC verification by cross checking the identity number with the DHA HANIS database.

The Gathr identity verification API checks the identity document against the HANIS database to authenticate the identity of the individual and the authenticity of the document and will also return the deceased status.

Accepted documents:
•Identity Book
•Identity Card
•Driver’s License

When HANIS is down, the service provides a cached database. Note that if Home Affairs is down, the deceased status is as accurate as the latest cached information.

This KYC API enables you to automate the verification process, reducing the need for manual intervention and risk of human error enabling businesses in financial services and other regulated industries to ensure due diligence and legal compliance with ease.


Close the trust deficit gap
Streamline customer onboarding process
Reduce identity theft
Comply with AML regulations
Protect your business against fraud

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