MTN Zambia KYC Details

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KYC Details
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KYC Detail

The KYC Details API retrieves the customer information based on the mobile number provided. MTN will request consent from the customer before sharing the information (First name, Last name, Phone number, Email address, National ID number, Street address, City, Postal code, and  Country).

The KYC (Know Your Customer) Details API offers partners a comprehensive solution to access and retrieve essential customer information associated with a provided mobile number. With the partnership between MTN and the partner, this API enables seamless integration into the partner's systems or platforms, facilitating efficient and secure retrieval of KYC data upon request.

At its core, the KYC Details API serves as a vital tool for businesses to verify and authenticate the identities of their customers. By simply providing a mobile number, partners can initiate a request to MTN, prompting the retrieval of consented customer information. This information typically includes critical details such as the customer's first name, last name, phone number, email address, national ID number, street address, city, postal code, and country of residence.


Assist various client to know their customer better by verifying their customer’s identity
Improve user experience

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